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2015-Q2 ETR Briefing

Investabills are fixed value Exchange Traded Receivables [ETR], that are loans or bills issued under contract for goods and services supplied to investment quality† companies, or credit insured invoices from Investment Grade [IG] insurers. As at Q2, Credebt Exchange®  held RSA of EUR 54.3m+, with EUR 9.9m allocated and EUR 0.63m Investor redemptions requested. 2-Years trading celebrated with EUR 43.0m+ ETR trades and all available ETR utilised.
Treasury management almost achieved parity with ETR settled at EUR 9.9m, or 99.5% of all outstanding trades.
Performance 2015-Q2 continued strong growth in ETR trade with an increase of 19.9%. Total Creditors & Debtors numbered 930+ with a total YTD trade of EUR 19.4m. Daily volume increased by 59.1% on the previous quarter. Highest single value trade was in June at EUR 0.28m. Total current RSA are valued at EUR 54.3m+
Trend Yield trending downwards from an average of 3.52% and is expected to average 3.25% in Q3. Volumes increased by 59.1% with continued strong Originator supply expected for 2015. Additional capacity for RPA in excess of EUR 52.3m+ is expected in H2 with new institutional demand of EUR 10.0m remaining confirmed during the quarter (subject to contract).

2015-Q2 ETR Briefing

† Investment quality is a combination of Investment Grade [IG] organisations & other credit worthy organisations, as determined by AIG and other credit rating providers, from time to time