
What is a Buy-Out

A buyCredebt Exchange®

Calculate Working Capital

If a company takes all of its short-term assets (e.g. cash in the bank, receivables invoices, stock, etc) and pays all its short-term liabilities (e.g. suppliers, staff, etc) the remaining balance is their working capital position.  If the working capital position is

Low Cost Capital

Exchange Overview Credebt Exchange® provides an unrivalled and unique form of Low Cost Capital specifically for organisations in the micro-medium business sector. The Exchange model is substantially different from any other type of traditional working capital/lending model. A summary of

2013-Q4 ETR Briefing

Exchange Traded Receivables [ETR], are invoices issued under Contract for goods and services supplied to investment quality† companies, or credit insured invoices from Investment Grade [IG] insurers. As at Q4, Credebt Exchange® held RPA of €4.3m, with €2.7m allocated during

How to use risk to your advantage

As explained in the previous article “It’s all about Risk…” you’ll now understand that larger organisations get preferential treatment from banks.  That’s the status quo and isn’t likely to change any time soon.  So what can you do to improve

It’s all about Risk

Once you understand risk, then you’ll begin to understand banks and how banking works.  Banks, investors, shareholders, managers, financial markets, brokers and other investment/lending professionals all learn about risk.  That’s not to say they necessarily understand risk in all its guises, but they

50+ Retail Investors

Today the Exchange received funds from it’s fiftieth Retail Investor.  Since the first date of trading on 4 July of his Year (see article: First RSA/RPA Trade Executed), achieving 50 Retail Investors demonstrates a strong appetite amongst the investment community for strong,

2013-Q3 ETR Briefing

Exchange Traded Receivables [ETR] are invoices issued under Contract for goods and services supplied to investment quality† companies, or credit insured invoices from Investment Grade [IG] insurers. As at Q3, Credebt Exchange® held RPA of €3.2m, with €1.7m contributed during

Membership, Fees & Charges

IMPORTANT:- Some links in this article will only be accessible to authorised Members that have logged into the Exchange Trade Centre Credebt Exchange® aims to be clear and transparent on the how it deducts charges (i.e. fees and commissions) from payments

Exchange Fees & Charges

IMPORTANT:- Some links in this article will only be accessible to authorised Members that have logged into the Exchange Trade Centre In accordance with the Credebt Exchange® Master Agreement sub section 6.13: “The Account Bank will draw any fees and/or
